Recruit the right person for the job.
We are here to provide as much or as little help as you need when recruiting and bringing on-board a new employee, apprentice or intern. We support you to find the right person for your job vacancy.
We can:
Advertise your job vacancy; screen and manage applications
Write your job description and person specification
Attend interviews and support with interview questions
Create and manage competency assessments
Advise you on terms and conditions of employment
Help you with your induction process
Help you to recruit an apprentice or intern
We can also help with:
Employment contracts including fixed term and zero hours contracts
Working Time Regulations, breaks and annual leave
Entitlement to work in the UK
Remuneration packages and wage reviews
Coaching for new managers
Working with you to ensure promoting/hiring from within your organisation is undertaken fairly.
There are a lot of benefits to promoting/hiring from within your organisation, including increased employee morale and lower training costs. It can enable seamless business transitions with no perceptible impact on your customer or client base – the source of business revenue.
For help with recruitment
call us on 01273 552862 or email